FAID Board Members

Mr.Khalid Naeem

Mr.Khalid Naeem
Mr. Khalid Naeem with ample of experience both in the government and non-government sector for advocating and exercising for human rights in various capacities. During his career of 50 years, he served on a very high positions for government of Pakistan and associated with multiple forums and international organization as main convener and advisor to take strong action at policy and program level to safeguard the rights of people. In addition, Mr. Naeem was a key person in drafting and finalizing various policy papers and policy documents which includes a national policy framework for senior citizens, policy papers on the rights of children, juvenile justice, child trafficking, child development and official/ shadow reports on CRC, CEDAW, UNCRPD and SGDs. Obtained training on women empowerment from London University College, London and attended several conferences, workshop on Women Development, child rights, rights of Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) and ageing. He also authored various research papers for improving state of health, and gender equality and draft legislation for the rights of people with disabilities. In his last assignment with the government of Pakistan, he was associated as a Consultant at, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Director General (Directorate General of Special Education) Ministry of Social Welfare and Special Education. He is presently associated as an advisor with Deaf Education and Welfare Association (DEWA), Social and Economic Development Associates (SEDA), Helping Hand for Relief and Development Organization and currently working as Member, National Commission on the Rights of Child (NCRC) and Country Director (honourary), International Council for Education of Visually Impaired (ICEVI).

Ms. Dr Maryam Bibi

Ms. Dr Maryam Bibi
Ms.Maryam Bibi is senior veteran with lots of international and national experience for advocating the rights of women, children and senior citizens at different level. She is highly skilled, graduated from abroad and is working extensively on human development through her innovative and inclusive approach. In her career of more than 35 years, she is awarded with many awards and recognition nationally and globally. Her recognitions include Sitara-e-Imtiaz, the highest civil award by the president of Pakistan in 2001, the Human Rights Award from the International Labor Organization (ILO) – in 2001, the Fatima Jinnah Award – in 2003, nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - 2007 Award and many others. She is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Khwendo Kor and associated with this organization since 1993 and expanded it to more than 300 cities and towns in Pakistan by working high on women and children empowerment at all levels that including social, social, economic and physical. In addition, she is associated with many governmental and non-governmental bodies in the capacity of director and advisor.

Ms Sameena Gul

Ms Sameena Gul
Ms. Sameena Gul is a global and national expert on the rights of older people. She is graduated from University of Geneva and The Royal College of Surgeons (Ireland) in New York, USA and University of Manchester, United Kingdom by receiving the education in field of humanitarian assistance. In her career of more than 35 years, she worked for both international and national organizations and developed her area of expertise in the of field strategic planning, governance and accountability, partnership and localization, programme design, development and management, budgeting, control and compliance. She is currently associated with HelpAge International as Head of Localization and is providing technical support to 13 countries based in Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia for protecting and safeguarding the right of older people and citizens at all levels.